Course Objectives and 4 Key Steps

As an, artist, you may be an employee of another company, an educator, an entrepreneur of your own company or some combination. Once you have decided to change from an hobbyist to a business, many details are involved. This course will walk you through identifying the type of business you need, how to set up that business and state and federal requirements to maintain your business. 

This course will assist you to set up a business in Missouri. Other states’ rules and regulations can be found at that state’s Secretary of State Office.

At the end of this course, you will be able to: 

  •  Define different types of businesses
  •  Identify the one(s) that meet your needs
  •  Set up the legal structure of your business
  •  Locate resources for information to keep your business in good standing 
  •  Track when forms and taxes must be filed.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions or write any comment in the forum

4 key steps/elements to remember: 

  1. This class is for instructional purposes only. It is not intended as legal advice.
  2. For individual legal advice, please consult an attorney. One can be consulted through the St. Louis Arts Chamber, the VLAA or your personal attorney.
  3. Business set up and maintenance occurs through the state’s Secretary of State’s office. You can find the forms for non-Missouri residents on your state’s website.
  4. Consider one of our mentorship or mastermind opportunities for ongoing business support