Business is about money, accounting for it, financing projects and programs and budgeting to be sure the project or program READ MORE

Who are you and how do you stand out from the crowd? Where is your audience and how do you READ MORE

As soon as you are paid for your work, you are in business. But business development and management take specific READ MORE

Sometimes careers just happen. But not very often. To get where you want to be takes effort, thought and planning. READ MORE

This program provides research based information for volunteers and homeowners to design, create and manage their personal gardens or public READ MORE

Project Summary: A communities seek to re-establish their cultural identity that expresses the history and the future of its residents READ MORE

Submitting artwork to galleries and juries is firmly in the 21st century with digital submissions being the norm. As such, READ MORE

How do you use Tik Tok (is it even right for your goals)? What about other social media? How to READ MORE

Legal considerations are a reality for everyone but artists have particular needs in various areas from negotiations to contract law READ MORE

With the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Congress created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to ensure safe and healthful READ MORE