The Tools

The principles to professionally photograph your art are straightforward. Remember, photography is an artform as well and, as with your medium, it takes a bit of practice and the correct tools. In this case, the quality of the camera, just as with other artistic materials, makes a difference. Before you we get into using the camera, it is critical to discuss the camera. Look for a camera with a high pixel count as that gives a higher quality image. Newer high end cell phones have the necessary quality as well as higher end DSLRs. Whichever camera you use, USE A TRIPOD!

Again, as with other artistic mediums, the tools are a necessary but not sufficient criteria for success. Skill is required as is a bit of proctice. The actual skill of photography is a bit more complex. There are four steps to professionally photographing your 2D artwork. After creating your masterpiece:

  1. Hang it on a wall
  2. Lights
  3. Camera
  4. Action