Downtown: Creating A More Vibrant St. Louis With Creative Placemaking

St. Louis Metropolitan Area is humming…and dancing, singing, acting, painting and in general creating!

Here are examples of creativity in action from building jobs in the creative industries to sprucing up infrastructure and everything in between, St Louis is creating.

Downtown Jersey Barriers

What is functional, grey and seen everywhere there is road construction? Jersey Barriers!

How boring can we get? St. Louis is dressing up and showing her creativity!

On June 25, 2022 volunteers are painting the Jersey Barriers owned by the St. Louis City Streets Department with a vibrant undulating design to welcome visitors and delight residents driving through our growing infrastructure.

The Design

Design chosen:

Thank you Jeremy Rabus for the design and technical support. The design needed to be self contained and the same on both sides of the barriers. Once the design was approved by Greater St. Louis Inc and the City Streets Department, stencils were created. Once the lane next to the barriers was blocked for protection of the artists and volunteers, the barriers were power washed, then sprayed with the base coat. On Saturday morning, volunteers gathered in teams to paint the design.

Our fearless artist, Jeremy Rabus, with two Americorps
Thank you Glen! Our “guardian angel”

Thank you to our Partners!

Read more on Workers paint street barriers near Kiener Plaza at