Celebrating St. Louis arts during The Missouri Bicentennial
The St. Louis Arts Chamber of Commerce is presenting several programs and projects to celebrate the Missouri Bicentennial in 2021.
Artist Designed Bicentennial T-Shirts
In partnership with Olympic T-Shirts, the St. Louis Arts Chamber is selling unique, limited edition t-shirts commemorating the Bicentennial. Each design is created by a local St. Louis artist, who will receive 50% of all profits from sales of their design. Order yours today!

Hodiamont Greenway Street Art Festival and Ice Cream Social
Saturday, August 7 • 10am–2pm
Click here to learn more
St. Louis Art Scene Challenge
Part of the Missouri Explorers Program
The St. Louis Arts Chamber of Commerce is the sponsor of the Missouri Explorers Program Art Scene Challenge, a FREE guide to exploring St. Louis’s vibrant and engaging arts scene, from traditional spaces like museums and galleries, historic landmarks, and hidden gems. The Missouri Explorers Program is part of the Missouri 2021 Bicentennial celebration.

Click here to learn more.